Big Papa Zit
Whatever they want to call it – what a pus producer! Oozing, flowing, then some really thick, yellow “from-the-depths” pustulance. You can see the tiny...
Stubborn Bacne
Haven’t been around for awhile, but I thought I’d drop a line with this video – it is a long one, so here are some...
Russ Hamstring – Fun With Comedones!
Two new videos from PTZ favorite Microscopic Zit Extracting Videographer (say that ten times fast! lol!), Russ has a little fun with his editing software…...
Russ HamString #9: Pimples, Whiteheads and Blackheads Galore
Russ Hamstring’s “Pimples, Whiteheads and Blackheads Galore” This video is version 9 in the my educational series. Yet again, I used a basic wire type...
Removing Pimples Under High Magnification “Finding The Weasel”
Here is my fourth video using my USB microscope and new wire type comedone extractor on my nose and face. This type seems to work...
Removing Blackheads Under High Magnification
The best pops are towards the end but the whole thing is like a good movie – slow start, excitement builds, then an awesome climax...
The Best Ear Blackhead!!
Blackheads With Brew and Breakfast Simply the best blackhead extraction from an ear I have yet to see. Yet, being the key word, as...
Sweet Little Bacne Blackhead!
Have you ever seen such a cute and strange little blackhead? This is definitely one of those short clips that you play again and again...
Pimple Pop Surprise
Forgive me if the **ZIT**le sounds like one of those c**ZIT**eroles Mom used to make that even the family dog turned its nose up at....
HSC’s Top Ten List Ed. #11: pickypicky!
Hello Fellow Popologists and New Popheads! Mmm, can you smell the earth, reawakened and unfurling her green fingers towards the sun. Spring is one of...