HSC’s Top Ten List Ed. #7: PPM!

Hello, greetings, salutations, etc. to my fellow Popologists and New Popheads!

Welcome to another fantabulous roll-out of the Top Ten List here at Halph Staph’s Corner. This week I am again honored to present another Guest Ten Lister, a lady who I think has probably been here if not at the first blip heralding the birth of PopThatZit.com, at least since the rough and tumble diaper wearing months when a new site tweeks and t**ZIT**s until it begins to run smoothly. A veritable fount of information when it comes to the variety of videos in PTZ’s Archives, she truly is a wonderful and amazing resource, for both the established pus connoisseur and the tentative lurking newcomer. Trust me, you are in for a real treat as I give to you – Edition #7:


Well for some reason I was chosen after Emilbus for guest Top Ten and it is indeed an honor to follow our founder and the “**ZIT**father of Pus.” Many thanks to Halph Staph for the opportunity.

As Emil said, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to choose only 10 videos from the archives not to mention how much time it takes! It was especially difficult with the problems the website had for the last few weeks. However, I always love looking for pus…I still look at old ones every night. I just can’t seem to get enough.

How I got started: It was back in 2006 or 07 that I was kind of bored and wanted to find something different than the chat rooms and the game site Pogo.com.

I had recently drained or cleaned out a sebaceous cyst on my son’s back (including the sack darn it!) and remembered how much I loved popping pimples. I hadn’t had as much opportunity recently… all the kids were gone and hubby’s were drying up in his older age dag-nab-it-anyway! So I wondered if there was a site that just showed pimple popping videos. That’s when I went in search for one.

Well I found PopThatZit.com and my life changed forever. The site was different back then. Emil found most of the vids but the members were encouraged to look and post some as well. I was hooked!

I found many of the other sites: YouTube, LiveLeak (Ogrish was gone by this time), DailyMotion, and others to mine for videos. I guess others were looking, too, because the membership gradually grew until it has the numbers of members we see today.

As long as there is pus to flow, there will be people ready to help it flow and clean it all up! Over and over and over and over….lol.

So, I’m going to share some wonderful “oldies” that I hold near and dear and that I can watch over and over. One thing I want to say before I share: when I like a video, it is for EVERYTHING, the “zit,” the conversation, the filming, the humor, and/or the music… in other words “the whole package.”


1. Home Cyst Removal This is one video that has been posted over and over on YouTube. The original “Best Home Cyst Removal” is by plantanoking05 who is the man popping the cyst. I LOVE their conversation and the use of PinkFloyd! This is a true cl**ZIT**ic.

2. Poor Kid with MRSA (MRSA Deadly Staff Infection (survived) YT Title) Now this one has a young child who is afraid and I’m sure in pain from this infection in his belly. His brother is taking the video with his camera phone and the conversation is between the mother and the nurse. Some people get this all wrong for some reason. I LOVE the pus in this. It is thick and beautiful! I even love this little kid. He is cute, stoic, and seems to be able to take quite a bit of pain.

3. It’s Da Pit Zit Bomb THIS one makes me laugh EVERY TIME!!! LOL!!! I love how the mom just keeps holding on no matter what and tells the kid filming it to wash off his hands and his IPod right away! I love how the son getting that HUGE armpit zit popped sounds like he is hoping his mom got it all with what fell on his foot. I love how the kid filming says he can’t wash his hands or IPod ‘cause he is filming. And what I love the most is the POP and the reaction! Cl**ZIT**ic!

4. Shameful Cyst Pop A 2-parter that involves another mom and sons team! (I have two adult sons… might be the reason I like these so much?) The pus is awesome and this mom has to be the cutest and ditziest mom EVER! LOL… I laugh all the way through both of these. How can you forget his name after she says it 2,000 times? Oh I hope you love these, too!

5. Zit Zilla I figured that Emil and I would have some of the same favs and I was right. Actually ALL of them on his list I love although I’m not into the stringers as much as he is. I love the commentary in this vid… and the laughing! Such a cl**ZIT**ic! This is one that I cannot leave off my list because after my number one vid, this is my second all-time fav. The over 1-million views… Zit-Zilla!

6. An Eye Gives Birth It’s no secret that I like eye zits. Anything around the eye is great. This was posted early on in PTZ’s history by Emil himself, although comedoness (then letmegetmyfingersonthat!) said that Zitstress (now lilzitgitter) found it. Ahem… (blush) I do have a confession though… I am guilty of… a…. (crying softly) a repost. What? You didn’t hear me… a repost. Huh? Still didn’t hear? OKAY!!! A REPOST FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!!!!! Sigh… there…I said it… more than one actually. I found this one in Spanish “Cysta v oka” and posted it without a more thorough search. Oh well, so it’s on here in English and Spanish. Emil runs an all inclusive website! LOL (YES!!! PPM REPOSTED!!! Good grief.)

7. Big Nasty on Shoulder part 2 Emil posted the first part to this video. This is the longer of the two and some of the things these girls say are hilarious! “Is that a Kraft dinner?” and “blockage.” Colleen is the brave friend popping the “juicy” cyst for J.D. and his girlfriend. For some reason the video on PTZ doesn’t show to the very end, so I am going to post the link to YT so you can see everything! Have fun. . . .
https://www.popthatzits.com/2007/01/big-nasty-on-shoulder-part-2/ then try this one for ALL of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKlYFhtLVRM/

8. Ear Zit It’s no secret that I love ear zits, too, and the juicier the better! This particular video ranks in my top ten because of entire thing. I love the voices. I love the banter. And I love this zit that just does not quit!

9. Backyard Surgery – Cyst Removal – Cease and Decyst I’m not exactly sure why I like this so much. It is lacking in many areas… much of the removal is covered by hands or paper towels… she starts removing the cheese with a scalpel instead of just squeezing the heck out of it, and the camera is a bit shaky. But love it, I do, and it is one of my favs.

10. The Great Tumor Pop Neither myself or Halph Staph have been able to find this video posted on PopThat Zit which is so hard to believe because it is a CLASSIC with over a million hits on YouTube. It could be it was posted but it was taken off YouTube briefly in 2007 then put back on. It could be one of the dead links we have where the video has never been identified. No matter, it BELONGS here and I’m going to ask Emilbus to post it after this Top Ten because it is so FUNNY. I am NOT **ZIT**phobic. These guys filmed, edited, and posted this vid not once but TWICE so they like it, too. Enjoy it if it is old or new to you. I think it IS the GREAT Tumor Pop!!! (Ask and ye shall receive, it has been returned to the Archives – or posted again because it is very, very good at hiding! ~ H.S.)

Thanks so much for letting me share this with you. I hope some of you who don’t know me as well will understand me perhaps a bit better. I am absolutely obsessed with zits! I love the funny ones, the juicy ones, the cheesy ones…practically all of them. I especially love those that stand the test of time and that people go WOW after they’ve seen it. Take care and enjoy this site. ENJOY!!!

NOTE: Next Edition: Comedoness! Coming up: MotherEruption, Ten Favorite Squirts! and then dripper! Thanks for enjoying the Corner! POP ON! ~ H.S.

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