8 Hacks for Getting Rid of Pimples Super Fast
Pimples have a tendency to pop up without warning, so it’s a bit unfair that they take so long to go away. If you’re tired of seeing pimples on your skin all the times, then you need to make a move.
Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to get rid of pimples fast. We sat down with industry-leading dermatologists and they were generous enough to reveal 8 hacks for getting rid of pimples super fast.
Getting Rid of Pimples with Hydrocortisone Cream
It’s impossible to go to your dermatologist every time an annoying pimple decides to show up. So what do you do? You get the next best thing to a doctor.
If the pimple is red, filled with juicy pus, then dabbing a bit of hydrocortisone cream that you find over the counter can help. These creams can get rid of 80% redness and make the pimples flatter overnight!
Just make sure to use a very tiny amount of the cream on the pimple before you go to bed and apply the same amount in the morning. Just don’t make it a habit of regularly using them because too much hydrocortisone can thin the skin which leads to more breakouts, yikes!
Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is actually very useful for your skin. It provides multiple benefits and can get rid of skin stuff like minor burns, insect bites, and of course, zap persistent acne.
Dab a cotton swab on the oil and apply it directly to the zit, and viola! You’ll have provided enough firepower to kill the acne overnight.
Tea tree oil can be a little stingy, so dilute it first if you are sensitive to that kind of feeling.
Don’t Touch Them!
If you want the acne to go away overnight, just make sure to control your temptation to pop it. You’ll end up with an oozy mess that will leave a scar later.
Speaking of scars, if you want to get rid of acne scars, don’t forget to check our top home remedies to get rid of pimple scars.
Just leave your pimple alone because dermatologists have reason enough to believe that touching or picking pimples can make any pimple take a lot longer to heal.
Buy a Super Cleanser
It’s so much easier to prevent an acne breakout than find a proper treatment. So if you don’t want to deal with spontaneous acne breakouts, we suggest getting your hands on a cleanser.
Look for a mineral-rich cleanser because it helps in removing excess oil and surface impurities from the skin without causing dehydration.
Spot Treatment
Need to get rid of pimples overnight? Fear not. Just go down to your nearest drug store and look for an emergency spot treatment.
Spot treatments are made with glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide – translation? They kill zits overnight.
Apply Toothpaste

This may come as a surprise but a lot of people with frequent pimple breakouts swear that applying toothpaste directly on the pimple helps.
But dermatologists believe this may not be the best solution. They do agree however that toothpaste can contain certain ingredients that work in a similar fashion as any other acne treatment.
If you must try this method, just apply a bit of toothpaste on a single zit to test. If you’ve got super-sensitive skin, this method is not for you.
Get Cortisone Injections
This is a radical solution but sometimes you will need this. Imagine having an important dinner in the night or a date night with your boyfriend and a zit pops out of nowhere.
If you need instant relief from pimples, try cortisone injections. Your doctor will administer this injection and it is super easy and comfortable, so no need to be scared of it.
However, it is a bit of an expensive option so just reserve it as your last card. This method of getting rid of pimples is only recommended when you have to have the pimple gone on the same day.
Try Crushed Aspirin
I know this sounds weird but have you actually tried this hack? I won’t really lecture you with all the chemistry behind it but aspirin is actually a derivative of salicylic acid. And guess what, it can soothe an angry looking pimple exactly the same way it can soothe a headache.
Even dermatologists think this solution will work on some people because crushed aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties. So crush away some painkiller and terminate that zit!
These 8 hacks for getting rid of pimples will definitely help you out when you’re in deep trouble. So don’t forget to bookmark this page and share your own secret hacks to get rid of acne.