Blackhead – Dr Derm
Dr. Derm posted a new YouTube video featuring a couple of blackheads. It’s always best when a certified doctor is performing these kind of blackhead
Dr. Derm posted a new YouTube video featuring a couple of blackheads. It’s always best when a certified doctor is performing these kind of blackhead
Back with another Tiktok cyst popping video. This one is HUGE and erupts like a volcano. The cyst popper had to mitigate the spray for
This is what Dr. Derm calls a “Pore Spatula” and it helps remove the sebaceous material from the pores in the nose. They did a
Dr. Derm’s most recent project on YouTube was to tackle a big jaw cyst. This jaw cyst was dry and flakey. The patient was delightful
Here’s a giant back cyst that Dr. Sandra Lee aka Dr. Pimple Popper knocks out of the park again. This cyst had so much stuff
Dr. Derm is back to grace us with a marshmallow-like cyst. This one is unusual in shape. It did look like a marshmallow cyst and
When you’re trying to prevent acne breakouts, water is something that usually never comes to mind. But a lot of skin experts say that having 8 cups of water per day is needed for optimal health and clear skin. But the sad truth is most don’t even drink half of that much water. It is quite understandable too. After all, our body composition is unique and having 8 cups of water a day is not a hard and fast rule. Some people need to drink more than that, while others may not need that much. So how much water do you actually need to drink to prevent acne breakouts? Let’s find out. Optimal Water Consumption to Prevent Acne Breakouts In order to find out how much water your body actually needs, you’re going to need to take out your calculator and work with some numbers. You need to understand how the water formula works. The Water Formula To find out how much water your body actually needs to maintain perfect health and prevent acne breakouts, use this formula. Calculate your weight in KGs Divide the number by 30 The answer is how much water you actually need to stay healthy and have the clearest skin. For example, 45 kg/30 = 1.5L water (6 250ml cups of water) Water Consumption for Active People The water formula does not apply the same way it does for a sedentary lifestyle if you’re an active person. You’ll probably need to add in a few more cups considering you lose a lot of water as sweat when working out, especially if you work out in the sun. For optimal results, try and drink at least 350ml cup of water after every 30 minutes of working out. But that’s not all, working out hard can deplete electrolytes and minerals like sodium and potassium from the body. Try and replenish these with special electrolyte replenishing drinks. Don’t Drink Water in Plastic It’s very easy to grab a plastic bottle of water from a grocery store and gulp down the water in a few goes. Although it is a good practice to drink water on the go, it is recommended that you avoid using plastic bottled water. Plastic, when exposed to direct sunlight, can contain something called xenoestrogens that can impact your hormones in a negative way. So if you’re to prevent acne breakouts, try and avoid plastic bottled water. Having Problem Meeting Water Goals? If you’re having problem’s meeting your daily water goals, don’t forget there are other sources of water too – namely food. There are tons of vegetables and fruits that are made up of 80% water. Eat a lot of these fruits and veggies and you’ll never have a problem meeting water goals for the day. And even if that doesn’t work for you, you can always drink water in the form of tea. Make your favorite herbal tea and drink it up. It’s 98% water so you’ll be meeting your goal anyway. But
Treatment for acne rosacea, as opposed to acne vulgaris (common acne), which usually occurs at the onset of puberty, acne rosacea, is a skin disorder that occurs in adults. Many mistake rosacea for common acne and refuse to see it as a long-term skin ailment. The problem with rosacea is that unlike common acne, patients do not “outgrow” the condition with the passing of age. Most patients do not even know that they have a skin disease. They often will mistake the redness on their face for sunburn or think that they blush easily. Seen mostly in people with light or fair skin, this skin condition causes persistent redness of the face and gives them a perpetually flushed look. For some, exposure to the sun is the major reason for rosacea. For such people, application of the right sunscreen lotion or cream and general sun avoidance can work wonders. Rosacea was long considered an incurable condition. But today with the progress of science and technology, treatment for acne rosacea is available. Treatment options depend on the severity and extent of the symptoms. For individuals with mild rosacea, whether the condition should be cured or not, depends strictly on the patient’s decision. If he or she is not particularly bothered, there is no need to cure it. For more resistant cases, a combination of several treatment options can be applied. Medical treatment for acne rosacea includes antibacterial washes, antibiotic pills, pulsed-light therapies, laser treatment, photodynamic therapy (PDT), topical creams and isotretinoin. Apart from the application of highly sophisticated techniques like lasers and PDT, there are several work-at-home techniques that can be applied to combat the skin ailment. Washing with a prescription sulfa wash twice a day can work wonders with your skin. Or, there are antibacterial creams that can be applied in the morning and night and antibiotic pills to deal with flushed skin. But these should be used only according to the prescriptions of a certified medical practitioner. In fact, it is better to let a physician decide the treatments that suit you. Among the topical creams that cure rosacea, metronidazole and Azelaic acid are considered to be very effective. Both help in reducing the redness of the skin and bumps on the skin surface. Another treatment for acne rosacea is antibiotics that can be consumed orally. This is found to be very effective for patients with moderate rosacea. Most commonly used oral antibiotics include tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and amoxicillin. For those with severe rosacea, the best treatment option is isotretinoin. But this requires close monitoring by a physician and frequent testing of blood. Generally, for all rosacea patients, harsh soaps and lotions should be avoided, and mild skin cleansers like Cetaphil be used. Then, of course, there is the laser and intense pulse-light therapy that can visibly improve complexion. However, not many are able to endure the discomforts of laser treatment. PDT (photodynamic therapy) is a relatively new entrant among the various treatments for acne rosacea. It uses a
Currently, several treatment options for common acne (acne vulgaris) are available. Treatments vary depending on the extent and severity of the skin condition. One method now widely used for treating acne is laser treatment. This method has become very popular as more and more people have testified to it being totally painless and very effective. Another attractive feature is that this treatment option has relatively few side effects, and the positive effects are long-lasting. However, the cost of laser therapy is relatively high when compared to other alternatives. Laser treatment for acne costs about $500 for a 15 – 20-minute session. Many consider it a good trade-off as the therapy guarantees great results. This is a claim that no other skincare product can make. There is no doubt that spending money on laser treatment is better than spending thousands of dollars on the dozens and dozens of non-effective products that are available in the marketplace today. The main focus of laser treatment is on the bacteria that cause acne, which resides in the pores of the skin. The procedure that is used in laser therapy kills the bacteria and repairs the damaged skin tissue all at the same time. There are different kinds of lasers used in the treatment of acne, such as erbium lasers, non-ablative lasers, and carbon dioxide lasers. Non-ablative lasers work their way underneath the skin and encourage the production of collagen. They also tighten the skin pores. Good skin tone, reduction of fine lines and a very obvious difference in the appearance of the skin are the most positive results of these lasers. Erbium lasers, unlike the non-ablative lasers, which work on the ducts of the skin, work on the water molecules in the skin. This laser treatment for acne is used for people who have very shallow or a moderate level of facial wrinkles or lesions. In fact, erbium laser treatment is probably your best bet for eliminating acne-related facial lesions. Carbon dioxide laser treatment involves the emission of short outbursts of high energy light on to the skin. As a result, the damaged skin vaporizes and is removed. Carbon dioxide laser therapy is considered best for removing all types of acne. While considering the laser treatment for acne, it is necessary to think about the side effects of the treatment. Unlike common belief, laser therapy does have some negative effects on the skin in at least a few cases. There have been reports of discoloration or increased roughness of the skin and swelling of the affected areas after treatment. Carbon dioxide laser treatment, in particular, is reported to increase the pigmentation of the skin. It is important to remember that laser treatments for acne are still new. It is possible that the newer side effects of this therapy may be observed later on. However, there is no doubt that it is the most popular and effective method of treating acne today. Right from the time you decide to undergo laser treatment, try to collect
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