George’s Blackheads
This patient’s name is George and he has a lot of blackheads for Enilsa to work on. These are some wonderful extractions. Enilsa does a...
Enilsa Cyst Extraction
Enilsa has a unique way of popping cysts and zits. She uses qtips to gently squeeze the contents out of the cyst. I don’t know...
Enilsa – Blackheads and Whiteheads
Enilsa returns to YouTube with some amazing blackhead and whitehead extractions she performs with her qtips. Enilsa is very thorough getting all the contents out...
Pimple Compilation
I know this pimple compilation goes a ways back, but we haven’t had a good compilation in awhile and this is a good one. Enilsa...
Filament Extractions That are Sebaceous
Oooh this is a good one. Sebaceous filament extractions from Enilsa. She does a beautiful job extracting these doozies. I’m not sure how her clients...
George has Blackheads
Enilsa treats some blackheads on a patient named George. She has the best patients and I actually like her better than doctor pimple popper. Enilsa...
Blackhead Extraction with Qtips
Enilsa is back with another blackhead extraction using q-tips. Enilsa empties out each pore before moving on to the next, which is not something we...
Cysts Compilation
A compilation of cysts from Enilsa. The other day we saw her work on some blackheads, but she has a way with the cysts as...
A compilation of blackheads
A new compilation of blackheads from Enilsa’s channel. Her viewers seem to appreciate that she uses qtips and not tools to extract the blackhead material....