Earwax Gold
I really enjoy a good earwax removal video; we haven’t featured one here in awhile. This girl must have sonic hearing after having this huge chunk...
Gunk in the ear
Digging for gold. A lifetime of earwax in this ear! Some dead skin too. A lot of ear wax and gunk to dig out of...
Huge Earwax Removal
A video of a huge chunk of earwax being removed. Now that this is removed, the patient is going to be able to hear thoughts!...
What were you growing in your ear??
They dig for gold in this guy’s ear and they sure find it!...
The largest glob of wax
Here’s the removal of a large chunk of wax from the ear canal. It comes out in one big piece! I be too the patient...
First Timers
These first timers get gold dug out of their ears. A satisfying experience for them and for us!...
Double Impacted Ear Wax Plug
I think I can hear better after watching this! So much hair in the way, but it comes out!...
Another ear full of wax
Here’s another earwax video. The doctor or person removing the earwax just kinda scrapes it out for awhile. The video is sped up in some...
Can you hear me now?
I’m guessing this patient was hearing things much more clearly after this wax removal from his ear....
Cotton Ball Earwax Removal
12 cotton balls are removed from patients ears. Someone said “there is a whole bloody sheep in there!” Another funny comment: “It’s like 12 clowns...